How You Can Get ahead in Your Data Science Career.

The competition for data science and analytics jobs is intense but so many applicants aren't showcasing themselves in a way that gets the attention of recruiters and hiring managers.

Whether it's your resume, your portfolio of projects or how you prepare for, and answer, questions in interviews, there are simple but effective changes you can make to help you get ahead of the competition.

During his career, Andrew has interviewed and screened hundreds of data science candidates  and through this process has learned what can differentiate a stand out and successful candidate from the rest. 

To find out more about the future of work, download our new whitepaper below. 

Watch the Presentation

Revisit the tips and tricks from Andrew's presentation to help make your application stand out from the rest of the pack. 


Dive Into the Q&A

Don't forget to check out the post-event Q&A for in-depth discussion and real life examples of how you can showcase your skills and get ahead of the competition. 

Upskilling for the Future of Work

The Future of Talent whitepaper looks at how the data and technology talent markets have changed throughout the past 18 months. Talent now has more mobility and opportunity than ever - it's a candidate-driven market - and that means businesses need to think carefully about how they play their cards.

Exploring the importance of purpose-driven leadership, how to attract and retain talent and supporting diverse workforces and navigating post-Brexit changes, The Future of Talent is your guide to preparing for the post-pandemic data and technology markets. 

To find out more about the future of work, download our new whitepaper.