Harnessing AI for Product Design

Chris Conroy, Future Anthem, joined us recently to discuss how AI can be used by organisations to improve their products and services. The event dived into topics such as: the history and development of AI and data science, the use of AI to personalise UX, how businesses can incorporate data driven design and how AI can influence customer journeys in the gaming industry.

Event Highlights

Data ops, data driven design and the effect AI has on customer journeys was the topic of discussion from Chris Conroy, Chief Data Officer at Future Anthem.

At MBN Solution's recent Data Science and Analytics virtual event, hosted by Joshua Smith, Chris explored the implications of Data Science within business.

Chris discussed his take on the history of modern Data Science and AI, focusing on core areas such as search engines and the development of search algorithms. In the early 2000s this evolved from recommendation engines to increased personalisation for the consumer. This included a look at how the industry has changed due to today's environment.

Chris went into detail regarding AI for Product design in both a digital domain and manufacturing areas, such as the automotive industry. Then he discussed how Data Ops helps shape business units and highlighted the importance of your business being set up for data driven design.

AI in Gambling

Chris also shared his unique experiences of working within the Data Science space. Specifically, he worked within the Gambling and Casino industry over the last 10 years. Here, he discussed the impact AI has had on customer journeys and gave a unique insight into how recommender systems are used within the gambling/gaming environment.

Finally, Chris rounded the presentation off with an interactive Q&A. The questions posed by attendees covered areas such as discussing the benefits and limitations of data driven design, and how AI can be used as a force of good to promote responsible gambling and proactively highlight “high risk” players.

Chris Conroy